
Sunday was kind of boring. I slept all day and recovered from my saturday night. We had our air conditioner replaced just in time for the end of the rainy season. Thank god!!!!!!!! It was hotttt today.

Today was a good one. I went to school as usual. However I managed to embarass myself quite well today. My teacher asked me a question and I answered in French. Mind you that this is an intensive learning Japanese school. She, by some odd twist of fate, did not speak French. So she threw her hands up in the air and looked at me with the *you gotta be kidding me* face. Then Brian, guy I sit with, looks at me and says...I think you just answered in French bro...so I look around and everyone is staring at me. So I said...gomenasai, watashi wa nemutai...which means, sorry I am tired. I am not sure if that is the right spelling but if you say it that way it sounds right. Now, she looks at me and says, in English, were you drinking this morning?? haha, I just nodded no and asked her, in japanese, to repeat the question...Then after school I had a meeting with my Manager at Gaba, the english schol I teach for. I get there and we start talking and he informs me that the school he manages does not even open until 12:00 in the afternoon, which makes perfect sense because when i signed my contract I said I could only work in the mornings and if that wasn't possible that I would not sign it. So now I am stuck bound to a contract I cannot honor. Gaba HR and me are going to have a sit down. I quit bartending and started eaching so I would not have to work nights...now Gaba wants me to work until 10:45 at night...if that's the case I'll go back to bartending till sunrise and make more money in the process. Tonite Miho made a great dinner of a chicken wing thing...she makes them sooo good hehe...and pork fried rice...mmmmmmmmm!!!! She is a great cook, I don't deserve it haha. God bless her haha.

Also, there were a lot of aftershocks from that Earthquake yesterday up north of here. They happened until the night time last time I checked. Crazy...People here are now actually scared that the big one is gonna hit tokyo. They are afraid. The way I see it, if I die in Tokyo in a huge earthquake, it was time to go. Most likely it will be from some huge, massive thing crushing me...so atleast it will be a painless death. Kind of like living in NY last year...people are soo scared of terrorism in the city some times...hell if a bomb goes off and blows me up it happens...if not then I have nothing to worry about...

Tomorrow is my first real day of teaching. I teach 4 lessons. I cannot wait! It's pretty cool. Well it's 214 am right now...so I am goin 2 sleep...

PS...Read the post about Saturday Night that i put up yesterday...It, for some godforsaken reason, refused to show itself, I have fixed it. Saturday night is, by far, the best post I have right now....enjoy and goodnight


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