
Well for the past month or so I have been losing hair at a miniscule, bu alarming rate. Miho has actually noticed my hair is thinning. I have also gained about 15 pounds without really changing my eating habits at all. If anything i am eating less often, and healthier. I also have been really, really tired the past month or so, no matter how much I sleep. Not to mention my more than normal lack of concentration. All of this, according to MedLinePlus Online Medical Encyclodpedia http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000371.htm#Symptoms indicates that I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. My mother and her three sisters have been diagnosed with it, since it is hereditary I probably do too now. I was really worried that at the age of 21 I was going bald. That scared me. I know, due to male pattern baldness, I eventually will go bald. But I would like to try to hold it off as long as I can ya know? I have a fledgling modeling career here that could be ruined by baldness. I hope that all it is is Hashimoto's...I can take a pill to make that go away. Baldness is incurable.


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