
When earthquakes happen I usually look at all the Japanese people around me to gauge how I should react. If they are cool, then so am I. They know what to do when they happen...they are used to them...in Japan earthquakes are a way of life. Yesterday however was a little different.

I was riding the train between my office and my school and all of a sudden the subway car started rocking violently. shaking all over the place like it derailed. Everyone on the train started screaming. When an earthquake happens the conductor is supposed to automatically slow down...or if necessary, stop gthe train. The guy driving the train yesterday did neither...I think he might have actually sped up so as not to let us know an earthquake was happening...like it is possible to not know about such a big earthquake....it measured a 6.5, it was big...

I was ok till all the nihon-jin started screaming...thats when I got scared...I didnt yell...but I was scared...I got out of the train and checked to make sure all of my pieces were still there haha...then I went to work...You can read about it by doing a yahoo news search on earthquakes...it was a nice one...unlike the one a week or two ago that was too far away to feel...but equally as big. Even the people who have been here a while said yesterday's quake was big...it had an aftershock of 4.6 or somehing like that...the aftershocks dont worry me...its the first one that does...but the earthquakes are a good thing I guess...they keep you on your toes.


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