

The oppressive heat continues as it only gets hotter and hotter. I thought people were joking when they told me that summer in Tokyo is like living on the surface of the sun...last summer was cool, an aberration. This summer is so hot it hurts. Yesterday it went up to 95 degrees with heat indices well over 100, right now it is 93 degrees with a heat index of exactly 100 degrees. It is so hot out I break into a sweat just walking. Last night the low was 85 degrees, 85!! There is no breeze, the air is hot and stagnant. It is so humid you can drink the air. How can people live their whole lives in this type of summer. As hot and humid as New York gets it isn't like this for three months like Tokyo supposedly is. Right now is supposed to be the rainy season, not the time for me to melt just yet.

Noel's wife gave birth today a few hours ago. Congratulations bro! A bunch of us are having drinks tonight at HUB. I ain't telling which one...y'all will have to find us.

I wanna go skiing!


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