
Day 4....I moved into my new apartment last night. I had a moving service help me. It is impossible to move in Tokyo without one...especially when I have no international driver's license, or an american one for that matter. Oz helped me as well. The mover was one guy who Oz and I helped cause we felt bad for him. It cost 25,000 yen!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! So Oz had lessons last night and he left and I walked down the street to roppongi to get some food and have a few beers at Mark's place cuz I didn't want to be alone last night.

I walk out of the ATM and John, the bartender from Gaspanic, yells to me. He came over with this beautiful Japanese girl in tow haha. So she left and John decided he was going to cheer me up cuz I was depressed. We drank alot haha....that fool drank an Absinthe and Red Bull. It was like 60% Absinthe. Soooo nasty....It was a lot of fun. We went to a lot of places. Met some girls that ended up goin barhopping with us till about 2am and we all jus chilled. It was good. I needed it.

I talked to Mariko, Miho's sister, this morning. Apparently me calling Miho's father to tell him I finished moving my stuff out of the apt is unacceptable behavior. What a dick. I asked if I could speak to her and he says "What does she need to talk to you for?? She doesn't need you anymore." That ignorant old bastard. So Mariko told me that Miho will not be allowed out of the house atleast a month. Thats good cuz in 29 days I leave for three weeks to NYC. This piece of shit is going to ruin my relationship with Miho, or atleast try to. I do not know if I will still love Miho if I go 2 months without seeing her...would she still love me??? I would like to hope so, but two months is a long time. I am only being realistic. I cannot even talk to her...thats totally rediculous...White Devil Baekoku...Japanese are just as racist as anyone else in the world if they want to be...they just mask it under a cloak of politeness. Soon I will be back in America for a few weeks where the White man is king hahahahaha...


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