
A few bits of christmas randomness...

I know this has thurday's date on it...but it is in fact still wednesday and I am in NY, not Japan...it is not even 1pm here yet...

You know it's bad when Mexico bans US Beef Imports....shit man, you can't even drink water in mexico and they have the nerve to ban our meat cuz of one "Mad" cow.

I miss Miho and cannot wat till I get back to Japan to see her...

I better get nice presents for christmas...If they are all from Aeropostale like last year I will scream..I have not shopped there in years...

Flashback: Christmas 2002...the biggest blizzard in decades. Bitter cold, driving wind, pounding snow, and my father driving me down to New Jersey to stay overnight with my cousin Rob so I can goto Japan with him the next day. So anyway, we piled into my father's Ford Explorer armed with a cantine of hot chocolate and a pound of my mother's christmas cookies....they always hit the spot. We take 2 hours to go on a 45 minute drive and the explorer cuts right through the blizzard like sally struthers demolishes a buffet table. It was nice. Watching other cars spin helplessly off the road well we made our journey steadfastly through the first white christmas we had since I was a wee little child and my family still lived in Washingtonville.

Present: It is raining here like a typhoon back in Japan...almost 60 degrees, and really rainy and windy out...how lame. There is about 3 inches of snow on the grass now that is steadily turning to slush, then water. It will be gone by the time christmas morning arrives...we should goto the mall and take the huge mountains of plowed snow, chop them back into normal snow, and distribute them back to our neighborhood so we can have 2 white christmases in a row...

I spent monday night at my cousin rob's apt in fort lee, new jersey. I had to take the A train from times square to the george washington bridge bus station to catch a bus to jersey...I hate that train. I hate that bus stop. yes it is convenient to pay onl a dollar, and take a 5 minute bus ride and get off at the first stop and walk 5 minutes more to rob's apt...but the train goes through some ghetto areas. Needless to say this cracker was on edge the whole time.

An old friend of mine who I haven't talked to for a while had this in her buddy info so I thought I would copy it and do my own...y'all will learn about me from reading this below...

Name Four Bad Habits You Have:
1. Short-tempered
2. Drink too much
3. Biting my fingernails
4. Cracking my knuckles

Name Four Things That You Wish You Had:
1. More money
2. A Playstation 2
3. The same apt my boss Andrew has in Omotesando...sick pad
4. A lodge in Nagano

Name Four Scents You Love:
1. Miho
2. Ramen shops
3. Clean clothes
4. Dolce & Gabbana Red..an old gf of mine used to wear that perfume

Name Four Things You'd Never Wear:
1. A fur coat
2. A thong/speedo
3. Muscle shirts...I have no muscles so I would just look foolish
4. Platform shoes

Name Four Things You Are Thinking About:
1. Miho
2. What am I going to get for christmas?!?!?!
3. Where the hell is my passport?!?!? I think I lost it...
4. What am I going to eat at the Mexican restaraunt tonight?

Name Four Things That You Have Done Today:
1. Ate
2. Watched Jerry Springer
3. Put up the Christmas Tree
4. Cursed the rain

Name The Last Four Things You Have Bought:
1. Bottle of Pepsi
2. Orange Flavored Chicken and Rice (Chinese food rocks)
3. 2 6 packs of beer (Guinness and Sam Adams WInter Lager)
4. A bus ticket to Fort Lee, NJ from NYC

Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink:
1. Alcohol
2. Green Tea
3. Oolong Tea
4. Orange Juice

First Grade Teacher's Name?
Mrs. Gladstone. She was really old..wonder if she kicked the bucket yet...

Last Words You Said:
Did you find them?? (referring to the christmas tree lights)

Last Song You Sang?
My December by Linkin Park...was on the radio last night when chilling with Glenn and Dave

Last Thing You Laughed At?
Myself walking into a giant display at Sears last night in my jet-lagged, tired stooper

Last Time You Said 'I Love You' And Meant It?
To Miho on IM about 20 minutes ago before she went to sleep...it is very late at night in Japan right now.

Last Time You Cried?
The last time the thought of losing Miho crossed my mind...that was a few days ago.

What's In Your CD Player?

What Color Socks Are You Wearing?
I'm not wearing socks

What's Under Your Bed?

What Time Did You Wake Up Today?
9:30am..ohhh yeeaa

Current Taste?
Buttered Bialy and OJ

Current Hair?
It's a mess, I haven't showered yet.

Current Clothes?
Ralph Lauren Polo Blue Jeans, A half-zipped Abercrombie Hooded Sweater with a black Gap Stretch t-shirt under it...

Current Annoyance?
My eye hurts...

Current Longing?
Haha...won't bother y'all with that

Current Desktop Picture?
A cool picture I found at weather.com of a sun setting over a snow-covered farm in Iowa...somehow the snow looks bright orange as the sun, it's cool

Current Worry?
The Big Earthquake...Tokyo is due, so ya never know

Current Hate?
I don't really hate anything...but I guess the thing I dislike the most is curry, it's nasty!!!!!!!!! Bleck!!!

Current Favorite Physical Feature Of The Opposite Sex?
Eyes...that's one reason I like asian girls soo much, their eyes are soo beautiful

Last CD You Bought?
"Nas - Godson" when it first came out.. I do not buy cd's anymore.

Now you all know a lot bout me...holla back with this survey filled in about yourself if you have as much free time as I do...


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