
My visa application is done!!!!!!! In 3 days...that's either utter insanity I have been a part of the last month...I cannot wait! JFK AirTrain is opening the day I get to NY!!...whoopee!!!!! no more long ass taxi rides or expensive limousine buses or car services...just a 5 dollar ride to jamaica station and then a 2 dollar ride to Penn Station on the LIRR...couldn't be happier...

I got a hair cut today. I love getting a hair cut in Tokyo because everytime I pay for it just laugh...haircuts in Tokyo are so damn expensive...mine cost 3,578 yen...roughly 32 dollars....and it's the same haircut my barber back in NY gave me for 10 dollars, or 1100 yen...just not as good as the NY cut...the main difference I guess is that to start they give me a 10 minute scalp massage, then cut my hair, then rinse all the loose hair outta my head, then give me a hot towel for my face and then style and send me on my way...My NY guy would cut my hair throw some gel on it and tell me to style it myself...I would get the cut hair all over my hands and have to wash them and wipe off on papertowels...but it looked great...I have had some so-so haircuts ova here...eh, comes with the territory.

I have a conference call at 11pm tonite...just what I wanted on a thursday night. All girls drink for free tonite in Roppongi at most clubs, and here I am at an 11pm conference call.

Miho sent me an email yesterday basically telling me I should be sorry for being American and coming off to her father as a typical white guy lookin for his yellow cab to take home...that's how I come off to her father...so she wants me to be sorry I am a gaijin...screw that. I refuse to kiss her parent's asses the rest of the time I know her. That'll be the day. Her father has done nothing but treat me like street trash so I will not be mean to him but I will not kowtow to him or apologize for anything...I certainly will not show him one ounce more of respect than I would show anyone else I meet randomly on the street. I believe in the saying, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I won't be nearly as childish or maniacal as this guy has been towards me...but I sure as hell will not call him anything but his first name...which by the way in Japanese society is incredibly disrespectful to do to your elders...but like he said, I am a typical gaijin...If I was my yello cab wouldn't be at home with her parents right now, she'd be back in NY with me already. Guess that kills his yellow cab theory.

So I wrote her an email basically saying her dad can f-off and she hasn't written me back I told her not everyone gets along with their boyfriend or girlfriend's parents...it perfectly normal and that she can either take it or leave it...either she's mad at me (which I can understand), she decided that I can go f-myself, or her dad saw it and chopped her arms off so she can't email me anymore...the guy is crazy.

I do still love her, I miss her alot. But if she isn't going to talk to me I have to make myself move on. Already this has spiraled completely outta control way beyond the realm of normalcy. I do want to be with her in the future, but if she will not talk to me I can't. If I do not hear from her by the time I goto NY than I will assume that I should go f-myself and find someone else...that's fair I think. Considering her house arrest conveniently ends the day after I goto NY.


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