
"The United States right now is simultaneously the world's most loved, hated, feared and admired nation," Dennis Miller recently said. I forwarded this to the people in my office and most agreed accept for the Indian girl. she said that all we are is "feared, hated, and sure as hell not loved or admired." I admire her for being anti-american...especially after getting citizenship and living there for ten years...she atleast had the decency to get the hell outta the country since she did not like it there...but no one made her stay there for ten years now did they? She despises me because I am American. She despises me even more because I am a 22 year old American with no college degree and making more money than her, and in a roundabout way one of her bosses. She hates Americans for the fact they make four to five times what Indians make to do the same IT work saying that "Indians are much better, Americans usually only do one thing and they usually suck at it. Indians can do anything IT and they are always good at it."

Now that could have sent me into a rage...instead I just laughed and said "yea, because Indians are more motivated. Look at your country, it's 3rd world at best! If I was from there I would be good at everything too. I'd speak 8 languages, know every software language, would be a master chef, and a superb sword fighter just to cover all my bases to make sure I could get the hell outta India! Americans on the other hand live where they want to. They are happy in America, so being good at one thing is much better than having no youth like Indian children spend it studying Am I wrong?" She just kind of went back to work....well good, cuz she is the most racist person I have ever met. I am not racist, unless you are a French person, but I dont like other people who hate because of nothing more than the fact that I am an American, and especially an American from NY. Today I read an article in the Asian Wall Street Journal that said Indians are working for American Companies making $220/month and they are considered middle class!!!!!!! My god!!! If that doesn't scream third-world to me I don't know what does!?!?!?

Enough of my ranting, the stupid Indian girl pissed me off...I wish she would just eat a cheeseburger and get over it.

It was nice seeing everyone at Jesters for a final time...its all over. It still lasted longer than the French did against the Germans though. The bar was open for two years. Not a bad run for a bar in roppongi. They come and go like drifters in the night.

I am having an especially good week. Getting work done, getting sleep, and its not snowing here like back in NY. Hah! I was talking to my mother today and all she talked about was the snow and the cold and the ice and I said...its sunny and almost 50 degrees here every day. She was unhappy that I get warm weather and she gets blizzards, so I just laughed.

Anyway, I have decided to rekindle my hatred for everything French. I despise the French despite the fact I am 10 percent French...that means I despise myself, so be it. I despised myself long before I knew I was part French hehe...but I have decided to add a new feature to my little thing here called "Today's Anti-French Sentiment." It will be a new tradition until I run out of anti-french things to post on here...which believe me I never will. Todays is a post on another blog that is absolutely a riot. Read it and you will agree that Anti-French Sentiment #1 is dead on...

"Today's Anti-French Sentiment"


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