
Yeah PATS!!!!!!! My Boys!!! I took monday off to watch the game live. I was at Tokyo Sports Cafe at 8am to see it. Miho got there about 830, about a minute before kickoff. It was odd to be drinking beer and eating chicken an stuff at that time of day but a couple hundred other people packed the bar like it was a saturday night so it was fun. What a great halftime show! haha. I took one of my paid holiday days to watch the game. Funny, I was actually paid to get drunk and watch the super bowl..not a bad deal...after that it all went downhill pretty much though.

This has been a long week to say the least. I was worked 12 hours monday, 14 tuesday, and 15 on wednesday...I did not even leave my office until 11:30 that night. It was bad. I have been working so much that the only time I see Miho is during lunchtime. I am sitting in my office now, at 5pm on a saturday night. crazy. I then lost my contact lensestrying to put them on tuesday morning. I dropped the thing they go in at night and they went down the drain of the sink. So I have been without eyesight all week. It sucks. Then last night I lost my atm card and since the banks in Japan suck ass (a topic I have touched upon many times) I must wait until monday to get access to my bank account. I am broke. down to maybe 30 yen at the moment. Then that day I must clean out my bank account cuz it takes one to two weeks to get a new atm card by mail. Not to mention the mountain of paperwork they make you fill out to persecute for losing an atm card...something that everyone does at least once or twice in their lives...how do I know bout all of this?? Miho lost her's several times and I went with her once to the bank when she filled out all the paperwork.

So I went to work today hoping that someone would show up like they always do on saturday so I could borrow money from them and just pay it back in a few days. No one came. I must walk home...it will take half an hour. how shitty.

I decided that I need to move because my apartment is a bit expensive. It is in Nishi-Azabu, one of the most expensive parts of Tokyo. I also don't like my apt. so much so I was going to move soon anyway. I asked Miho to search online for apt. listings for me and she found some really nice places that are half the cost of my place and a little bigger, and closer to where her parents house is. The three things most important to me. So we meet with the real estate agent tomorrow afternoon to go look at them. I must find some money so I can get to the appt. though.

Last sunday was good. I took a train all the way out to Kichijoji, which is near where her parents live. We spent the day in Inokashira-Koen (Park). There was this crazy street performer who was half molesting all the kids that were watching the show. He was nuts. But then at the end he did some thing that looked like a scene out of the matrix the way he was able to control his body movements. It wasn't an action scene though, it was him pretending to be a little kid on the beach. It was pretty cool. Then there were all these other performers all over the park. It was a really nice day too. Good to get outdoors a few hours.

Wednesday is a naitonal holiday...I will not be at work. I am happy.

Today's anti-French remark: "Stupid, pompous, stuck-up, bastard! I hate the French!! They suck! They wonder why the whole world hates them?? Look at that guy, he is the epitomy of why the whole world hates the French! bunch of wankers!" -some Aussie guy I overheard in a bar.


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