
Quote of the Day: "Making a great motion picture is easy. It's getting people to pay $9 to watch a total piece of s--- that is really hard." -Rob Schneider ( Stole it from Yahoo! News)

Today's Rant is a doozie...not for the faint of heart but this has gotta be said, I risk alienating my family by doing so but they aren't much of a family to begin with to be honest, miserable bunch of drunks: My brother has screwed me good this time. My parents were going to loan me some money to help get my apt and instead my brother, who has not had a job for a while, who's bills are all paid by mommy and daddy, had over 1,000 dollars worth of repairs done to his car...the fucking kid can't even pay for his cell phone yet he gets his car fixed!! AAAHHHHH!!!!

I admit that I wasn't much better than him at that age, I still, once in a while, ask for money...there is one major difference though, I work! I always have! Sometimes 3 jobs at once. So while I might have asked for money at times it was because I legitimately needed it, not because I did not have a job. I need an apt much more than he needs that car. When I would have car trouble you know what my parents told me "Tough shit, figure it out boy." I used to have to have friends drive me to and from work. My parents were a bit more than unreasonable at times. They would always scream at me that I needed to have a job but then they would pull rediculous shit like refusing to drive me to work after I totalled my car into a deer...they said "That's what you have friends for." Why can't my brother's useless pot head friends drive him??? My useless pot head friends drove me all the time to and from work...until they would wreck their cars haha.

I would then be at work and even crazier shit would happen. For instance, I was 16 yrs old working at Boston Market and I was there about 3 weeks when my mother comes in demanding that i need to go home and turn off the oven because I accidentally left it on...she drove to the god damn restaraunt!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!!!! Who's parents do that?!?!?! My manager looks at me and says "Dude, no offense but your mom is a serios bitch." Normally that would have bothered me, but that day it somehow seemed fitting.

It gets better...I was working at Boston Market while in my senior year of high school (the one across town, not the same one) and one day my step father comes in like a crazed lunatic screaming that I have to give him the keys to my car. I bought that car with my hard earned money and it was in my name...I told him he had a better chance of losing 100 pounds then me giving him the keys to my car. So he makes a huge scene in the middle of the restaraunt and screams at me telling me he will kill me and all this and that. So I walk away to the kitchen to go back to work...this fucking maniac chases after me with a giant carving knife...the type we used to use to carve whole chickens...he chases me through the whole bldg with it. I got it away from him somehow and got outside in the back of the place only to be choked by the fucker!! Unreal! I was a kid! I did nothing to him. My manager had, at this point, called the police and was on this fat bastard's back trying to wrestle him off me...

The end result? When talking to the police all they could do was give him a warning because I wasn't hurt...I could not press charges. So I say to the officer "He assaulted me, he intended to hurt and maybe even kill me." The officer said " I see no evidence of that." So I ask the officer if I can borrow his gun for a second. He asks why and I say "So your telling me that if I fire this at someone and miss that means that charges can't be pressed right??" He disagrees and I could see there was no point in trying to bore logic into this pinhead. So when he had a talk with my fat, balding, living version of Homer Simpson of a step father I was the one who was blamed by my mother!! She said "How dare you involve the police??" and a bunch of other things...That was the last time I spoke to her for a few years...

My whole life my family, except for my father, has spent most of it spitting in my face. Sometimes literally. I just walk away and act the bigger man. My mother used to be at the head of it all...until the last few years, I am probably closer to my mother now than anyone else in my family. We both worked really hard to fix our relationship and we, for the most part, have no problems.

Also, this numbnuts told his former job that he was going to leave and work at the local waterpark as a lifeguard this summer (which actually does pay good money to be honest), so they gradually fazed him outta there...what a fool! Who tells Best Buy they are leaving to join waterpark?? I guess he thought he wasn't expendable unlike everyone else that worked there. The reason they pay such low salaries is that anyone can replace anyone that works there!! No one is special!!! It's the McDonald's of electronics stores. They don't care about you as long as you do your job! Why the hell let them know you are leaving?!?!?!


Moving on, not one person from my family outside of my aunt, who also happens to be my godmother, has responded to my plea for help...I guess that extra plasma tv they can buy with the money that I need to live makes a difference to them...basically by not even answering me it is a giant "Fuck you Ryan!" Atleast answer me and say no, I am not going to be mad or upset. I expected every single one of them to say no. That's the type of family I have. All for one and one for all....the only letters they know in family are the M and the Y...and they call me flakey and look down on me like I am a total fuck up...NEWS FLASH ASS HOLES!!! I MAKE MORE MONEY THAN ALL OF YOU!!! I just needed help so I could have a place to live. I haven't had time to save up like normal people do. I would have paid them all back by the end of the summer!

I had to get all of that off my chest. If anyone in my family somehow finds and reads this than so be it...I have wanted to say this to all of them for such a long time and was always the better man and would choose not to...fuck that! These people deserve to be treated the way they treat me. My grandmother actually said to me "Ryan, you are a total screw up, your life is going no where, your such a waste." My own grandmother!!


I went from a god damn illegal working bartender in Roppongi to making almost 6 figures a year in one year!!! How is that a fuck up?? Y'all are just haters...


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