
Adventurestan, My Next 24 Hours

Adventurestan, is a blog by a friend I have in Kabul. He is a defense contractor. I know him from here in Japan. He is making a killing there (money wise). I was talking to him on IM. Here are a few pieces of our conversation: "TG: hey so what is there to do in Kabul on a saturday night? Paul: when i went to japan i was lookin for summin different tho Paul: jack shit Paul: we're going to the italian compound and deating pizza most likely TG: hmm TG: no clubs or bars? Paul: thats about as exciting as it gets Paul: there are, but i dont wanna risk getting shivved or blown to smithereens Paul: so we avoid them TG: fair enoughkinggorman: how bout the local ladies? Paul: i figure i can put that shit on the backburner for a bit TG: anything worth touching? Paul: its all T & A - toes and ankles TG: haha Paul: this place is REALLY conservative TG: do they wear makeup? Paul: they wear burkas Paul: so i dunno TG: wow Paul: u rarely see women's faces here TG: have you had to fire your gun at all in defense? Paul: thankfully no Paul: shit was gettin tense in bamiyan tho TG: lucky TG: when do you get outta there? Paul: i feel sorry for anyone who decides to stick around and shoot it out Paul: cuz im a surgeon with my SA58 TG: can you speak any of the language? Paul: here?  naw Paul: hello, thank u, go away Paul: thats aboutit TG: lol TG: what is it called? Paul: they speak dari Paul: its like an old version of farsi Paul: dari -> darius -> xerxes's dad -> king of persia who got his ass kicked by the greeks." He wants to leave by the time they have elections on Oct. 9th. I don't blame him. Warlords will make it interesting.
Also in Afghanistan this happened. Just read the article. You will not believe something this retarded could possibly happen.
My next 24 hours is going to suck. I have to be in Yokosuka at 8:50am to meet my agent. I am shooting a TV show dressed as a Navy guy. How flaming is that? So anyway, I will leave for work at the bar in Shinjuku in 15 minutes and not get home until about 6 tomorrow night. That means I will go almost two days without sleep. FUN FUN!! How shitty.
Monday is a national holiday. So I will atleast spend one day with Miho.


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