
Grilled Cheese-gate, Other Fun with eBay

Grilled Cheese-gate

That crazy lady who seems to think her grilled cheese is the virgin Mary has now made it to international news. Not more than 5 minutes after writing yesterday's post titled "A Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese." After Googling the term "Grilled Cheese-gate" I confirmed what I thought to be true the minute the name hit me while walking home from Yoyogi Station last night...I am original!!! Yay!!!

I ran a search for "grilled cheese" next. It gave me 338 items. Pictures of some of the things I found are below. Click on the pics to be linked to their auctions.

An "I ate the Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese, It was Sacrilicious!" t-shirt.

This is a replica made of wood selling for over $14,000!!

The Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese Bunch. AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!


A Grilled cheese made with Wheat Bread...Highest bid is currently $5.54.
One funny comment about this item referred to the old ad campaign for cheese "AAAHHH The Power of Cheese!!" hahahahaha

Dubya Grilled Cheese


And finally the king of them all. "The Million Dollar Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese Recipe "World Famous" since 11/16/04" Really funny, no pic but lots of great grilled cheese ideas I am going to try since I eat about 3 or 4 grilled cheeses a week.

The one that started all of this commotion is currently on it's fourth bid, valued at $7,600. Who in the hell would buy this??

Other Fun with eBay

In light of the fun I had with that muppet selling a grilled cheese effigy, and this article I read on MSNBC about how eBay is going to limit the use of racial slurs on it's site. I decided to have a bit more fun with eBay's search function. The example given in the article is the good ol' N-bomb, nigger. Instead of looking up the work "nigger" someone will have to look up "black americana" to find what they are looking for. I decided to have a little fun with racial slurs and this is what I came up with. No, I am not racist. I just wanted to see if there is actually enough bigotry on eBay to require the soon-to-be-implemented rules.

I ran a search for "nigger" and it gave me 23 items. A whole list of things ranging from books with the word nigger in the title, to sheet music for a song title "Nigger Blues" by LeRoy White, to a 1930's song book titled "Twelve More Nigger Tunes." All of those titles are links to those auctions for those of you who think I am making this up. Out of all of these, the one I thought was the funniest (again I am not racist) is a record from 1916 titled "Nigger Love a Watermelon HA! HA! HA!" A picture of the record is below.


Next I typed in a search for "wetback" and found 9 items. 7 of them were a book with the title in it. I don't know what one of them was. The funniest one is a record called "Wetback Hop." (eBay)

Next I searched for "penis" and it turned up 1,127 items. All of them being penis enlargement/enhancement pills. Here is a picture of one of those items.
Creative name at least.

If anyone else finds funny things to taunt eBay with let me know. Always in the mood for a good laugh. Who would have thought back when eBay started it would become so ingrained in our lives??


At 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

are you sure you ain't thomas robb? i hear the kkk calling you already.


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