
The Saga Continues...Part 2

Friday Night continued...

Right before I left Muse some random girl came up to me and our conversation went like this.

Me: Hey how's it goin'?
Her: Not bad, you?
Me: I am hammered, what's your name?
Her: Mieko, what's your's?
Me: John (hehe)

and we continue to make small talk about our relationships until I just come out and say it:
Me: You, in spite of having a boyfriend, still just want to fuck me.
Her: No, I just want to see you again and maybe talk, have some coffee or dinner, see a movie...
Me: No, you just want to take me home and fuck my brains out.
Her: So?? What's wrong with that?
Me: I have a girlffriend whom I love and will be seeing in an hour. I am not going to fuck you.
Her: (giggling, grabs my drink to take a sip).
Me: You can't have any of my drink because I'm not trying to fuck you. Do I hafta spell it out in neon lights?!?!
Her: (in a furious rage, stomps off and smashes an ashtray into the table her friends were at so hard she shatters it, splitting her hand open and blood gushing everywhere. paramedics soon arrived to take care of her.)
Me: (laughing at the idiocy of a 35 yr old woman wanting to nail wee lil' 23 yr old me.

Now onto Monday night...

We goto Tokyo Loose and meet up with two friends of ours who apparently had been doing llello all night and had the bug out eyes and grinding teeth to prove it. Funny shit. So we go bowling and I get trashed the first game, losing by a ton. Plus, they keep getting me beers cuz after midnight it's my birthday. We got a 10% discount on bowling hehe, YAY!!) The second game I come roaring back wih avengence and win. Then we go to Karaoke. The other guy and myself mop the floor with tracks like "It Takes Two" by Rob Base and "No Sleep Till' Brooklyn" by Beastie Boys. We ran that place. Then we left Karaoke and went back to Tokyo Loose.

By this point we were distroyed and there was a celebratory bottle of champagne on it's way. Oy!! We were out or the count after that. So the guy, who was visiting from NY and staying in the Shinjuku Prince Hotel , gives me his room key and says..."You gonna get a show tonight." I turn around and Miho and the other girl are in full lesbian mode. So I decide it's time to high tail it outta there...

The Prince Hotel is huge, and nice. We get there and go up to the 15th floor. We get to the room and the guy is still with us. He won't leave. I am thinking "well you got yourself into a good one here dude." So we chill in the room and the girls get in the shower an I can hear all kinds of moaning...life is good. Then they get out and go at it on the bed...more moaning.

Then I am told to join...mind you this would not be the first threesome I had, but this is not one I wanted. I just wanted to watch. I am not in any way even remotely interested in the Aussie girl my gf is gettin' it on with. So I climb in and next thing I know the black guy does too. I figure...ok this sucks, but you got yourself into it, so roll with the punches buddy. So in the end the black guy grabbed the Aussie girl and took her in the bathroom and Miho and I did her thing. Right as we are finishing and about to doze off in the bed they come out and the following unfolds...Her: You shmuck why are you limp? Him: Musta been all the llello, it's broke. Her: Well I wanna fuck!! Fix it! Him: It's broke, fuck him!! (pointing at me). Miho: yeah screw Ryan it's cool, it's his brithday, sex is always a good present. Her: are you sure? Miho: yeah, dont worry...I like to watch him screw other girls. Me: (about ready to collapse from exhaustion) Her: ok fine Miho: Ok Ryan put a condom on. Me: (grudgingly putting on a condom). Her: Ok fuck me Me: I'm too tired, you want it climb aboard. Her: Hell no, you get on top of me. Me: Nahh, see I already got mine. You ride me or no dice. Her: (whining about how she needs a guy to fuck her). Me: (limp, so I took off the condom and tossed it across the hotel room.) Miho and I soon left and went home thankful we got outta there in one piece.

Around 7 that night we woke up to a monaning msg on Miho's cell...I guess the Aussie girl got her after all.

November 2nd, my birthday, started out fairly pedestrian. Miho and I went out for a few drinks in Roppongi to Barmania, our friend Rick and G's place...right next to the Freshness Burger . We ended up at Armanis playing pool and darts until closing. A good time was had by us and our tourist friend we picked up along the way. Nothing really exciting except for the nachos, which were quite nice.

The next day Paul flew into Tokyo and we met him at Studio Alta in Shinjuku at 10pm. We at first, were just going to stay in Shinjuku and ake it an early night, then we ended up in Roppongi making it an interesting night. We started off on the Oedo Line in Nishi Shinjuku and took it to Roppongi. Along the way Paul and I discussed how much of a moron one of our friends was for cheating on his wife almost everyday and making no effort to conceal it. Smooth.Then we discussed a psycho girl Paul knew from way back down in Yokohama. Then we arrived in Roppongi and the debauchery began.

We were dragged down to Wall Street by Jerry, 500 yen drinks always reign supreme. Then, after a few rounds, we ended up at Gaspanic for a drink or two. Then off to 911 Lounge for a few drinks as well. There is a Bengladeshi guy who works there that has a crush on Miho so he always is extra nice to us and gives us pots of popcorn. We were really drunnk by this point and needed popcorn, or something else, to fill our stomach with a solid. After the first buwl was empty I gave it to Miho and told her we needed more to eat. She went over to the Bengladeshi guy and he made a face at me and gave us more. Then we got more from a bartender hehe. Afterwards we hit up an Udon shop. Udon always rocks.

Then we go back to Wall Street for another 500 yen drinky and off we go in a cab to Kabukicho, at roughly 6am on a thursday morning. Kabukicho is quite a sight to behold. See more pics here. So we stroll into Tokyo Loose at 6:30 am. It is starting to wind down and they are getting ready to close. Sam is the only one left there and he tosses us a bottle of champagne to help in the birthday celebrations. At 9am we finally pack it in. It was a long night, and a long week.

We stayed in the last few nights, even (GASP) Friday and Saturday. We watched alot of movies including Bad Santa, Duplex, Life of Brian, Caddyshack, Team America, and a few episodes of Mad TV, Simpsons, Conan O'Brian, etc that I got off of BitTorrent. BT rocks!

So does Tokyo!!

On a side note, my grandfather is dying and has very little time left. Let us all pray for his safe and peaceful exit from our realm and hope he rests in peace. The sun is setting on a great man's life. One that included flying bombing missions over Germany in WWII, working at The Money Store...were if I am not mistaken...he is the one who talked MLB Hall of Famers like Phil Rizzuto, Steve Carlton, etc into doing commercials for them, graduating from Seton Hall University , and above everything else...being a great grandfather to my cousins and myself.


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