
Three Things I Have Been Searching for My Whole Life

People have no found me using search terms I thought only I thought of in the dark recesses of my mind.

They were all searched for on Yahoo!

The funniest of all of them is: Kurt Warner Abortion. I guess this stems from my post about Kurt Warner needing someone to take a rusty hangar and abort him from the Giants' Roster. Will leave you all to find that post on your own.

The next sear that found me is: teens that shit in gays mouths. Can anyone say homophobe?

Finally, this little gem found me also: tokyo + subway + school girls. Japanese school girl references are always appropriate. Just ask Miho, she loves them as much as I do.

Of course people still find me by searching around for Vanessa Williams' Herpes. I hope they find it one day. The whole world knows Rick Fox found it.


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