
The weather the past 4 days or so has been amazing...it was 65 degrees today! The guy visiting from our NY office hates us cuz we are complaning about it going back down into the 50's by tomorrow while this guy will go back to NY, which has been colder than Iceland for most of the winter. When I think of winter, I think of the brutal Northeastern US winters, not the balmy Tokyo ones where even as warm as it was in shorts and t-shirt I still saw people wearing scarves...fools. I guess in Japan until it hits April winter isn't over, no matter how warm it is...

GO YANKEES!!! even though the A-Rod trade is a bit rediculous, I'm a Yankee fan so I could care less. They will prolly go out and get that second baseman on the Expos, Fullmer I think, and then the team will be complete...hahaha. or maybe Marcus Giles from Atlanta...that team's run of titles is over anyway, which is a shame because of how great they have been for how long they have done it.

Miho came over and made me chicken soup to cure my sickness...my god it was good. I miss her cooking. She has a gift.

I have started training for the upcoming football season. I am trying out for the Kawasaki Grizzlies. I should make the team fairly easily. Though probably not in a starting role, I can still make the team as a second stringer until I get myself into shape. I used to run like 10 miles a day for wrestling season in HS; after my 4 years of drinking, eating junk food, and not once going to a gym I am a mess. I struggled through the 2 mile run i went on today...all things considered I am a bit sick...but I still should be able to run two miles without any major problems...SO I am now giving up excessive foods and drinking while at the same time adapting a strict exercise regimen that should have me in atleast decently better shape by the time training camp starts in a month...It never took me too long to get back into wrestling shape...besides I am only 22...I should be fine...

Oh yeah this weeks birthdays were Miho, on the 17th, at 25yrs old; my mother, on the 18th, at whatever age she tells me she is haha; and my brother, on the 19th, at 19 yrs old...good thing I bought no gifts for anyone or else I would have less money than the zero in my bank account currently reflects haha...I will make it up to Miho on White Day...she will get a grandiose gift...one made with a paper plate, glue, raw macaroni, and glitter hahahahahaha


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