

...is a fucked up place. The video of Nick Berg being beheaded is a prime example, god bless his soul. No one deserves that, not anyone except for the men who did it to him. I revert back to my "thou shalt be punished with the same fate thy victim met at your hands" post a few days ago.

I saw this video at Ogrish.com. It is the most disturbing thing I have ever seen. I was dry heaving while watching it. Yes it is horrible, yes I am only doing the terrorists a favor by posting an address where it can be found, yes it probably will bring a firestorm of criticism into my inbox...so be it.

People have to realize that these people in Iraq are not playing games. It might not be all that obvious to people who think "well it doesn't affect me so why should I care?" are idiots. It does affect you. It could have damn well been you. Us Americans are the most priviledged people in the world. People hate us for that. Alot more people hate us then envy us in this world. It's sad but true. If we don't straighten out the mess in Iraq that beheading video will only be the beginning. It is only going to get worse and worse.

America's enemies in the past were countries. They ahd entire civilizations to lose if they crossed us the wrong way. They did not want to die and/or lose their countries unless they absolutely had to. The terrorists have no country to lose, no civilians to protect, and have no regard for their pwn lives because dying is glorious to them. I think America has finally met it's match. We have a problem on our hands that is not going away any time soon. It is also making the rest of the world that supports the US a much more dangerous place as well.

For instance, Tokyo. When I first got to Japan it was a much different place. People partied in the streets, cops posed for pictures with drunks, everone was friends. Now it is a bit different. Cops are everywhere. they have signs and recorded announcements in Japanese and English similar to the ones in NY. Police have checkpoints all over the city and are on the streets and in the subways patrolling exactly like the NYPD has for years. They are scared of a bomb going off here. I left NY to get away from all of that fear, the uneasiness, the in your face security making life miserable. It sucked the life out of what was once a great place to live. The same is slowly happening to Tokyo...


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