
The Quickness

I saw my modeling agent from a while back 2 days ago in Shibuya. SInce I had lost her number I took her meishi (business card) and said I would call her the next day. Then the next day (yesterday) I went to one bar in Roppongi asking for work and was hired. I now work at Bar Matrix, owned by two friends of mine...I am also auditioning for a tv commercial for mcdonalds :( haha in a few days...now onto more pressing issues...

" left pension matters to my wife and since she does not have much expertise in that field, they were taken care of by tax accountants."
-Tokyo Gov Shintaro Ishihara, admitting he failed to pay his pension premiums for eight years. (Kyodo) (taken from Japan Today.)

Now what the hell is goin on with these politicians??? It's one thing to bang your secretary, in America it is standard practice. It is also one thing to scam an election, see under JFK, George W. Bush. But to not pay your national pension fund premiums...c'mon guys. You have to be smarter than that. I hope you are. Maybe that's why the Japanese govt is so inept at handling the economy...they can't even pay their own insurance bills. If they can't keep track of who does/doesn't pay their pension fund premiums then how the hell can they run an economy with a 0% federal interest rate?? Raise it you fools!! No wonder so many Japanese banks are insolvent.


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