
The Tokyo Marathon

I ran the Tokyo Marathon yesterday. Not the kind you might be thinking of, more along the lines of what you do if you are late to work.

The time: 5:30
The place: Shiroyama Hills near Kamiyacho Station (Hibiya Line)
The task: get to my real estate agent in Nishi-Shinjuku by 5:50 to pick up spare key after locking myself outta my apartment.

I run from Shiroyama Hills to Kamiyacho Stn and continue running all the way to the train platform. I get on the train and while it is moving navigate through all the salarymen to the last car and right as I get there it stops at Roppongi Station.

The time: 5:35

I run up the stairs and then through the crowds to the 6 escalators that bring you down to the Oedo Line. Anyone who took the PATH Train into the WTC pre-9/11 can relate to the size of these escalators if you have not taken the Oedo line or been to Tokyo yet. As I get there the train arrives on cue and I bust onto it through the crowds and navigate my way to the end car while the train is moving. In 5 stops.

The time: 5:45
The place: Shinuku Station

I run up a million stairs and out of the ticket gate like I am a thoroughbred at the Kentucky Derby. I then run through the entire Keio Mall to the Bus terminal. I run through that and into Shinjuku Nishiguchi Station. The whole time I am weaving through people like Garrison Hearst. I neither hit nor knocked down a single person (over 1,000,000 ppl go thru this train station everyday). I then run down the stairs through the nishiguchi station Oedo line part and to Ogado Kosaten (crossing) in Nishi-Shinjuku.

The time: 5:49

I hurdle the hood of a cab and fly down the street as fast as the cars are going. I fly up 9 flights of stairs cuz the elevator was on the top floor and I get to the office right as it closes at 5:50. They all looked at me and busted out laughing. I was soaking wet with sweat. Bent over @anting and weezing, and my head was pounding.

The temperature was 85 degrees F.

What a hell of a run. I achieved the impossible. I DID IT!!!


At 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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