
11 Year Old Girl Killed by Classmate Over Chat Comments

The unthinkable has happened...a boxcutter has been used to commit yet another atrocity. This time it wasn't a terror attack or anything of that horrific nature. Instead it was an 11 year old girl slashing the throat of a 12 year old classmate. This is unthinkable. People thought when all those school shootings happened back in the states a few months ago during a one week span that it was terrible, and it was. This, however, is much worse.

Father of girl killed by 11 year old classmate. Posted by Hello

The Japanese are a pacifist group of people, a result of the atomic craters America left in Hiroshima and Nagasaki during WW2. THey are not violent, and there is almost no crime in Japan. For this to happen something terrible must have been said right? Something absolutely wretched must have provoked an 11 year old to kill right?? No.

The killing happened as a result of comments the 12 year old, Satomi Mitarai, said about the 11 year old's looks on a chat site run by the school. So by telling the 11 year old that she was ugly Satomi ended up with a slit throat and an abrupt end to a just beginning life. What a tragedy. If I thought in a million years that the kids I called ugly in school would kill me I woulda kissed their asses everyday, the kids who everyone thought would go Columbine on us while we were in High School got more respect in the hallways than the QB of the football team. It's cool to be the QB, everyone envies the hot girls he dates, the touchdown passes, etc. BUt it's much cooler to be alive and spit shine the shoes of the crazy kid haha.

In other news, George Tenet resigned as head of the CIA. Bout time, he did a horrible job. Clinton never should have nominated him.

Quote of the Day, courtesy of Dave Letterman: "George Bush said something really important the other day, so important that I think you all should hear this. He wants to establish legitimate elections, repair the infrastructure, and fix the schools in Iraq. He also said that if it works there he wants to try it over here in the US."

I have had some cold the past week. It sucks!! Damn Osaka Flu!! (Simpsons reference)

Gaijin House Noise that Woke Me Up Today: Miho snoring...


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