
Hosers, Cote D'Ivoire, a New Way to Find "The Tokyo Gaijin," and "The Race"

Hosers: Now that this year's Stanley Cup Finals is America (Tampa Bay Lightning) vs Canada (Calgary Flames) I have been forced into the unfair position of rooting for the Lightning. To quote an article I posted on this site earlier in the month, "rooting for them is like rooting for Sars." GO Lightning!!!! The first game of the best of seven series was won by Calgary 4 to 1. They lead the series 1 game to 0.

Cote D'Ivoire: I get this retarded email about 10 times a month...when will those damn 3 world monkey learn I will not send them my bank account info?!?! I mean, shit! Here it is for your amusement:

From Mrs Evelyn Abed.
Dear ,
Based on the information and recommendation I got about quick growth of
business, investment and commerce in your country, I deemed it
necessary to write and inform you about my interest to invest in any viable
venture in joint partnership with you.

I am Mrs Evelyn Abed the first wife of Chife George Abed K.S.M the
Traditional Rular of mende tribe in Sierra-Leone. On the 19th May, 2000 my
husband was murdered by some rebel group on the accusation that he is a
great sponsor and in support to restore the democratically elected
President of Alhadji Tejan Kabba. Almost half of the palace was burnt.
Fortunately I was not in the place when they raided the palace my husband
married 4 wives with 16 children two of the wives, with my 3 children
where murdered in cold blood while my second son escape the incident with
bullet wounds on his right leg at the moment where the remaining
families are I don’t know their way about whether they are alive or not.
Right now I am left alone with only one son since the sudden
assassination of my husband the family has been displaced and totally
disorganized left with noting. Early that year befor my late husband was murdered
he came back from travel and gave me some document to keep for him as
usual he told me that he deposited 18.5 million USD in a trunk box with
private security company in Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire as a family
treasure. So I decided to go and search for the documents where I use to
keep them I discovered the documents covering the deposit he made with
the company and some other documents like his will and other documents
for his business. As my town has been a serious war zone, I made
arrangement with two peace keeping force to help me and my son move out of
the country, however we moved out of Sierra-Leone successfully, to
Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire where we are now.

I have gone and conform the deposit with the company with all the
documents all the documents are with me here.
Now I wish to transfer these funds abroad and enter into a business
venture as the country (Côte d’Ivoire) is no longer in peace since
they conducted their Presidential election on the 22nd October 2000 the
country has witness all sort of political unrest ranging from ethnic
clash which resulted to killing of innocent citizens and strangers people
are living in fears as the country is no longer that peaceful nation as
it was before due to this reason that I have decided to contact you, to
assist me to lift this my consignment out of this country.
Please I need your assistance.
i will like you to reach me on my private email
so that i will give you more details.
Waiting for your urgent reply.
Thanks and God bless.
Best regards.

Anyone who falls for that has their name next to the deifinition of the word "muppet" in any english dictionary.

A New Way to Find "The Tokyo Gaijin":Yahoo! Australia & NZ Search Results for: Tokyo's Coolest Websites. Someone found my site doing that search...I am in the Top Ten!! Yay!

The Race: The Yankees crushed the Orioles and are now 1.5 games behind Boston in second place in the Al East...No worries, the Sawx'll collapse faster than a frenchman in the heat come August...I have faith.

On a final note The Gaijin House Noise that Woke Me Up Today: Someone washing the bloody dishes again...I will smash all the dishes like we at a Greek wedding if they don't figure out how to peacefully wash them, or start doing it at a more reasonable hour than 8am.


At 11:09 AM, Blogger Good things come in small packages said...

see www.scamorama.com, maybe you can scam them back or get them charged.


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