
"The Whole World Knew this Guy was a Con Man"

Ahmed Chalabi, an Iraqi Governing Council member, had his home raided by coalition forces on suspicion that one of his aides is a spy; according to NY Newsday. Chalabi was an allyof the US-led coalition. An interesting comment was made by former Texas Governor Ann Richards on Larry King Live last night. She said "The whole world knew this guy was a con man. How he was able to con the members of this cabinet into trusting him..." and so on. She also later went on to comment how a majority of the information the US got leading up to it's invasion of Iraq came from Chalabi and how a vast ,ajority of it proved to be wrong. Why did this government trust him?? Chalk one up for the war hawks.

Ahmed Chalabi, who's home was raided by Coalition Forces Posted by Hello

You all will notice that I have removed by "I Blog for Bush" logo at the bottom of my Blog. Screw him. This whole war is a mess. I support himonly on the grounds that you need a continuity of policy during a time of war. He plans on pulling out of Iraq fairly soon. Once he does that he has no real use. I am a Democrat, and a proud one. I do not know what I was thinking supporting Bush. GO KERRY!! Screw Nader. If he runs he will keep Bush in the White House.

On a lighter note; Typhoon Nida, which blew through Tokyo overnight, packed little more than torrential rains and occasional gusts of wind. It was not as much of a direct hit as the Phillipines got. It caused minor flooding and that's about it. No deaths or anything serious, atleast in Tokyo.

I will start a new feature in my blog called "The Gaijin-house Noise that Woke Me Up Today." The reason being is that everyday something new and interesting wakes me up. I had forgotten how much I loved living where I do now until this aftrnoon. Bunch of savages.

The Gaijin-house Noise that Woke Me Up Today-Spanish Lullaby sung by Madonna in an endless loop for over an hour.

Where's a blackout when you need one?


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