
This is Telling...

Stupid Irish! It's not bad enough that we are seen as the lousiest drunks on the planet, now we also gotta deal with being the laziest ones as well. That puts us only one notch above the Mexicans...AARRGGGHHH...

Iraqi Journalist Blog, This guy got not only a book deal out of his blog. Now even a movie is being made about it. Really amazing to read what he has to say about everything in Iraq. He describes some things in such vivid detail it feels like you are there with him at times...Anyone who thinks they have problems ought to read this and see what it is like to have real problems...not the petty ones we deal with on a daily basis...

Randy Johnson is the man!!! 40 years old and throwing perfect games...he can actually look at some major leaguers today after that game and say "Who's your daddy?!?!?" Hehe.


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