
Those Funny Gas Prices

At least someoine's laughing about the crazy gas prices. Posted by Hello

I was watching CNN and they were talking about the gas prices in America and how much people are complaining when they flat out have no right to. Of all the indutrialized nations in the world America pays almost 50% less than the next lowest price, which is in England if I remember correctly. I know it's 50 percent less, I am just not sure if it was England. C'mon people!! Bitch about Gasoline prices when they go over 4 dollars a gallon. In Japan the prices are horrfying. Over 5 dollars a gallon!!

Last night there was a scary lesbian in the club. She was violently grabbing at and dancing with this poor, frightened, little j-girl who just wanted to be left alone.

Also, a Marine fell asleep so Tyson put a lemon with tabasco sauce on it in his mouth and started taking pics when the guy woke up...it was funny...

The Gaijin House Noise that Woke Me Up Today: Two of my house mates watching a movie at volume level 40!! That was after some stupid bitch decided she had to wash all the dishes at 8am and wake me up. She was blasting the tv, slamming dishes together, and slamming cabinets shut. I wanted to hurt her. I was furious.


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