
The Ignorant Iraqi

I like my job for many reasons. The main of which is that I meet many people from all over the world. Most of the time they are nice, pleasant people. Regardless of whether or not they want to check out the club they are nice to me. That is the norm. Once in a while there are some ass holes who act like their shit doesn't stink and rip you to feel better about themselves, and then you meet an Iraqi.
I was just walking out in front of Koma Stadium when I walked up to a few guys and greeted them and was talking to them when the one guy interrupted me and said "Don't tell me you are from America." I said "Why?" He said "If you are from America we cannot be friends, I am Iraqi." I then said "I'm from New York, what's the big deal?" He said "Not a chance I will even dignify that" and he walked away on his high horse. So by his logic if a few people are at fault for something that upsets you then you should hate the entire nation of people that group is from.
I know many people who died on 9/11, I also know many people who lost loved ones as well. It was a horrible tragedy. A handful of Arabs were responsible for it, most of them Saudis. I do not hate them for what they did, I think it was fucked up, but hatred is useless. So by his logic I should hate all Arabs for the actions of a few. As he walked away from me I said "I am sorry to hear you are such a racist, good night and good luck with that."
Ignorance is bliss, or so they say. Except that Arab ignorance leads to explosions and death. Anything but bliss.


At 2:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well the problem here is that you've displayed a slight bit of ignorance, your point is only, for that reason, valid to a degree. He has a problem with a nation that is presently occupying his country, not Caucasians at large (although, perhaps he may, but from what you've said it seems his only problem is with the US and its inhabitants). All Arabs are not Iraqis, and in fact the present situation has nothing to do with the September 11 attack. Another point of interest, the Koran explicitly forbids suicide and the killing of innocent women and children, the latter esp. whilst partaking in Jihad. I am an Australian and have too felt the wrath of Islamic Extremism, I believe the solution lay in a central governing body for Islam world-wide, as unlike many other religions it is still to this date devoid of such.

At 5:19 PM, Blogger Good things come in small packages said...

Hey hey! It's Victoria. Can you do me a favour and translate this for me - it's in Japanese characters that I haven't downloaded from the net yet and even if I did - I wouldn't be able to read it anyway, I'm sure.


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