
Jim McGreevey Quits

New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey quit after admitting he had a homosexual affair during his marriage. This guy must have a huge weight off of his chest. I could not imagine how hard it is to come out of the closet and tell your family that you're gay...let alone millions of people watching around America on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, etc...The thing about CNN, anything carried live in America is carried live all over the world. While he did lie and decieve his wife he did it because he was in denial of his own homosexuality. That is the only way to really look at it. I doubt he did it to hurt anyone.

It's amazing how this guy just came on TV and said "I am gay" and then resign from office. I understand that he lied about his sexuality and all that, but that should not prevent him from being in office. THis poor bastard's political career is over, yet a transplant hick named Hillary Clinton can run for office in NY just cause she bought a mansion in Westchester County. Go fucking figure. He was a good governor and should not have had to resign because he was being blackmailed with the threat of his gay lover being identified.

On another topic, I saw the interview with George and Laura Bush on Larry King Live. It was a really good interview. Bush was articulate (for once), well spoken, and sounded very calm and collected. Micheal Moore has stirred up a lot of anti-Bush sentiment and it is easy to jump on the "I hate Bush" bandwagon...but I am not going to do that. I have swayed to and from candidate, mainly after seeing Fahrenheit 911. BUt Bush is clear and decisive in his decisions, whereas Kerry wavers at the slightest breeze. I will let the debates and future interviews determine who my absentee ballot will be cast for. Kerry promised to bring troops home in 6 months, Bush had a great response to that. He said "You are just telling the terrorists to wait for 6 months and 1 day, that is the problem with timelines." I agree with him 100 percent...regardless of who wrote that line for him, or if he came up with it on his own, it is 100% accurate.

Let the debates begin!


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