

The past week has been pure hell for me. Miho broke up with me. I cried about it quite a lot. I am not too proud to admit I cried. My family put me through hell on Christmas for what they termed "fucking up my life by living in Japan." What a bunch of flakes. Family is supposed to be there for you in times of dispair, not kick you while you are down. Fuck you all.

I also was in a train that broke down in the middle of no where in the freezing cold on the way home from the city two nights ago. Then my ride home crashed into a deer. It's been one thing after another...but in spite of all that it could be much worse. Instead of bitching about everything in detail I am going to beg you, my readers, to help out the earthquake/tsunami victims in Asia/Africa. I am pleading with you...please help them!!!

Below are going to be links to a various number of charities and relief organizations you can make donations to...please, please help these people out. As bad as any of us have it in America, we most likely won't ever know what it is like to go through the horror, and magnitude, of such a large scale disaster. Hopefully Tokyo will not get it's doomsday earthquake anytime soon or else I will be on the first plane there to dedicate my entire being to whatever relief effort I can latch on to...all while at the same time trying to find out if Miho is ok...I still love you beautiful and I will spend the rest of my life trying to prove it to you, even though I know it is a losing battle. I will always love you.

Donate to one/some/all of these great charities...

Christian Aid

IFRC - International Federation of the Red Cross/Red Crescent




Doctors Without Borders

American Red Cross

Aid to Southeast Asia

American Friends Services Committee

These are not the only relief organizations/charities that are dealing with this disaster. There are plenty more...these people really need our help. Also, Network for Good is worth taking a look at. They have taken a list of major organizations associated with this relief effort and provided a short summary of their missions along with direct links to their donation pages...PLEASE HELP THESE PEOPLE!

We, as Americans, need to step up to the plate and show the whole world that we are not just about going to war with the "Axis of Evil" and shoving people around with our military might. We are also the richest, most philanthropic nation in the world as well. Take care of these people and do the right thing...

Anyone else from other countries reading this should help out either through the charities I have listed or through ones you know of in your home country that are collaborating in this staggering disaster. A few dollars will not make much of a difference in your life, but will make a huge one to the people over there if every one of us donates...you can make a difference!


At 9:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey buddy, sorry to hear about the ill will going around for you. I understand about the family not supporting you. They only do it because they want you in the states and they will do anything to keep you down. I am experiencing the same thing with my mom who tells me about all the negatives about Japan the country she has seen from a tour bus. She wouldnt even visit the country to see me. She went there on a tour bus. How fucked up is that?

Well just understand that you are not the only person going through this. Your future is fine. Just take everything in slowly. It'll all work out and you'll be back in NO time. I wish we could of hooked up on Xmas but my mom is working me like a slave. i am working at the restaurant like an endentured slave. keep up the faith. just get away from the negativity and into the light. peace out and chin up my man.

At 9:36 PM, Blogger Good things come in small packages said...

Not to be so forward, but why has Miho broken off the engagement? Is it the distance? Hopefully the New Year will also bring you good news and fortune. You are a strong person.


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