
For some reason Blogger refuses to let me post links anymore...its getting annoying. The guy I am referring to below is the one who bet his entire life away on a roulette wheel...the BBC is there every step of the way and a month after the roll...they are most likely hoping he loses all his money and is shit outta luck...keep your eyes peeled to this here blog for updated info on this degenerate...

This guy is an absolute fool. almost as big a fool as the guy who was caught in a lady's apt eating her lean cuisine pizza and doing his laundry while in the midst of robbing her...ASS!!

SO anyway, this has been the most beautiful, perfect weekend I have ever seen in Tokyo...if not anywhere else...if not in my whole life...these could have been the two most beautiful days so far in my whole life. That's how nice it has been. For some of us anyway...

My numb nut friend is sitting in the gaijin jail in Shinagawa after getting hammered in Roppongi and jumping on his scooter with no license, no helmet, and his gf riding on the back with no helmet...he broke every law he could...he was also speeding...so he was unlicensed, blasted, speeding, unprotected by a helmet, with an illegal passenger on the back also sans-helmet...good work you muppet...he'll be lucky if he doesn't get deported...

But anyway, yesterday there was a BBQ at AB's house. he has a great apt in Minami-Aoyama a few minutes scooter ride from omotesando-eki. top floor of his bldg, sweet balcony, etc...it's da spot! haha. So we all sat there lamenting on our friend's problem for a total of maybe 10 minutes...then we all just ate, drank, and were merry...Today I was shopping with another friend in Roppongi Hills...I really have to start shopping at Zara...nice clothes...

Today's Random Search Hit: Yoyogi-san Orgasm


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