
This is the longest I have gone without updating this thing in a while...and my website hits have seriously suffered hahaha....well where to begin?

Looking for an apartment in Japan is the most frustrating thing in the world...they have this thing called "key money" which is a gift to the landlord for him giving you the priviledge of staying in one of his apartments...that usually amounts to atleast two months rent. on top of that you have to put down another two months rent deposit..atleast...on top of that factor in a month of rent and the realtor's fee and you are talking 6 months of rent just to get an apt...what a lousy system. So then comes the problem of being a foreigner...I will not even get into that...just know that I almost napalmed a few people for it...

Then comes work. I have been working like a slave...I am heavily over-worked...but nothing I can do about it...I will wait to see what kind of raise and bonus I get in June and then I will see how much they appreciate me...hopefully as much as I think they do...but most likely that appreciation will be in words..not money, which is what matters most to me until I climb out of debt.

Now we have the yankees games in Japan...it has been pure euphoria here...amazing to say the least...It has been great to watch and I am happy to see yankee games over a few beers after work like I used to back in NY...I had been watching them while eating breakfast last season and will resume doing so in a few days :( So last night has the 12-1 avengeance of that embarrasing 8-3 loss the night before...Great game, everyone..even people who don't care about baseball...is having fun. Then about 9pm a bunch of salaryman that goto the local bar only during soccer walk in and demand that the soccer game is turned on...apparently they had reserved the whole bar for the Japan vs Singapore World Cup Qualifier...I understand how important that is and all...but who gives a damn about the first half?? Me, and about 40 other people, wanted to watch the end of the Yanks game...no dice...FUCKERS!!!!! That's what I get for living in a foreign country...I offered to buy all 20 of them a round of drinks and they told me to piss off...I tried every avenue of diplomacy I knew, all in japanese nonetheless...So, in vein, I rooted for Singapore only to watch them lose...damn them.

And top it all off the office network is down and I have deadlines to meet...NICE!!!!!!!!!


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