
I have added a few good gaijin websites and blogs on the right, they should be at the bottom of the links...worth a look-see...

Been a while eh?? Work has me feeling like a mexican these days...being a gaijin makes me about as high on the food chain here in japan as the mexicans are back home...only difference is that I ain't in the fields picking onions haha. I have been busy the past few weeks. I finally saw Lost in Translation, I have the dvd now...so I seen it quite a few times and it gets better every time...what a great movie...for anyone who hasn't seen it you are a fool. Check it out and it might give you nihon-jin a small peek into what life is like here for myself, or you foreigners who haven't been to japan yet..it will give you a lot more...breath-taking views of Tokyo, which can be equally hideous and beautiful depending on how you look at it, and it will also show you what life is like here for us gaijin.

Moving on, I was in Hachiko with Miho the other day and there was yet another anti-war rally...which have become more frequent and sometimes even violent in the wake of the japanese hostage situation recently. Although it has been resolved it has only made things worse for myself, and any other "round eye" in Japan. As we are waiting for the signal to cross Hachiko this j-guy walks up and hands me a piece of paper...after doing so he ran away. the paper said in capital letters at the top "DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH MEN WHO SUPPORT THE KILLING AND VIOLENCE OF THE IRAQ WAR!!" It then proceeded to show pictures of dying children and such...I will scan and link it to this site in a day or two...so then I hand it to Miho and say "does this mean I ain't gettin' any for a while?" she laughed and said "doubtful."

After that Miho and I went to the ping pong palace on the road that goes from Shibuya station to Omotesando...it's called ETC I think...She won the first game and then I won the next 7 or 8...it was funny.

Got reemed at my quarterly review....pretty par for the course.

Some very senior guy at Lehman Brothers here in Tokyo took some bad coke in a club and ended up in a hospital...afterr blood test confirmed the coke made him go into a seizure of some sort (I think) the cops searched him and found a large quantity in his wallet...he will now goto jail for atleast 2 years...damn.

Weather here is almost summer-like...absolutely beautiful....low 80's and sunny...its good weather for a game of baseball...I am in the process of joining a corporate softball team affiliated with Merrill Lynch...they play on the military base in Tajima...so I can shop at american stores for american things if it all works out...sweet!

Red Sox Suck!


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