
Yahoo! Why? Why? do people do things like this? Only in NY people.

In other news, goldewn week hasbeen anything but. It has been so shitty this week weather wise that the wind was at typhoon force yesterday. It blew down a one ton kite flying at a festival south of Tokyo...ONE TON!! My god! The wind yesterday was wuite fierce. It blew rice fields in Chiba so far apart it looked like an Iraqi sandstorm. NO JOKE. Good thing it did not rain too much or else the rain would have been going upside-down almost...

So I go home last night to find the playstation my friend gave me to use while I am staying with him this month is gone. I find it under his girlfriend's side of the bed. So I take it back with all the games and hook it back up so Miho and I can play the tennis game she now kicks my ass is all the time...where's Madden 2004?? I will skool her haha. Anyway, right as I am about to go to sleep the bitch gf of my friend knocks on my door and asks where the playstation is...I say "Why do you want to play it?" She says "No, but it's mine." So I say I will give it to her in the morning and that seems to please her. I cannot believe she had the nerve to go through all of my things while I wasn't there and take the PSX!!! I did go through her stuff to find it, but only cuz she took what is rightly mine to begin with. Craig gave it to me! She never uses it...she just wants it to spite me. No one likes her anyway...she lives with him for free, pays for nothing. I pay half craig's rent and she bosses me around like she owns the place saying I am not allowed to have my girlfriend over and this and that...all this from a former stripper! Take your clothes off honey, it's all your good at...he has told you to move out 6 times already! Take the hint you muppet!


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