
The GarageMahal

The GarageMahal had me in fucking stitches. I don't much like fat people either so this paragraph had me rolling. I even woke Miho up I laughed so hard.

"The other option (what I use to do during the day) is going to work every day and explaining to fat fucks why they still weigh and look like an 18-wheeler....after they just got finished stuffing their face with a supersized Big-MAC...and the only exercise they've had for the last month was chasing around junior cause he just took the last piece of choc cake.

So I said fuck'em all...

Your Blood pressure is SKY rocketing and you drink pickle juice like water....fuck you
Your soo fucking fat you have to turn side ways to get through a doorway..fuck you
Everyone in your family has died of lung cancer and you just finished smoking your 10th pack of smokes for the day...fuck you.
Your gut is so big...your wife can't find the thing... fuck you

F-it I'm selling bikes... better times.." (The GarageMahal)

Creative title for this blog too I might add...


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