

Rats are thriving in the cities of Japan. In places like Tokyo, Yokohama, and Osaka the rat problem is becoming a serious one. Tokyo is a very clean city, but I have seen some rats big enough to be mistaken for small dogs and cats in areas of Shibuya and Shinjuku. I saw one once in Shibuya that I ran from because it was as big as a dog. I was afraid it would bite me if I pissed it off. Let's hope they solve this thing before it gets too far out of hand.

Great news!! My blog has gone up over 4,000 individual visitors since I started keeping track 9 months ago. I can't believe people actually read this drivel. Not to mention the hundreds of regular readers I have. I never thought even one person would read it outside of my family. Rock on!! Let's hope I can figure the visa thing out come December so we have many more years of my anti-anything Japanese ranting and raving.

Despite the fact that I vent all of my frustration of living here I do love Japan and everything about it very much. It's just that venting my problems online is better than doing so in public. At least I think so anyway.


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