
I Hate Windows

I wrote a nice, long, witty post today and right as I hit the publish button my pc crashed. Has anyone else had XP crash on them? I never heard of it before unless I was rendering graphics on Auto CAD or something like that just screwing around. I am upset. So today I will just share a new cool site I found today looking to see if XP actually does crash all that often. TweakXP.com is one of my new favorite sites. Check it out.

I also, for some reason, cannot access one of my Yahoo! email accounts. i have like 50 some od unread messages from my contacts in there that I cannot access. FUCKERS!

Miho and I also had a spirited conversation today about things that ended up with me in tears for quite a while in her lap in fear of losing her. I am still a mess right now. Better get my act together or else the planes will hit the towers.


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