
Yanks, Sex for Votes, BravesVision, Lesbian, Star & Buc

The Yanks are in the playoffs! Yay! If not there would probably be a mushroom cloud over Yankee Stadium after Steinbrenner was done with it and his team. This is ten playoff appearances in a row...second only to the Braves.

Votergasm.com is one of the best ideas ever. For people who don't plan to vote, this website offers up something worth voting for. Free sex! That's right, if you "take the votergasm pledge" you are guaranteed sex on election night with another voter. Correct me if I am wrong but, wouldn't alot more guys sign up for this than girls? To quote Biggie Smalls "That don't mix, like two dicks an no chick." F the vote!

Apparently people in Philly are not aware of the YES Network, the Yankee-owned digital cable channel. If you read the last item in this article from philly.com it mentions the Braves new TV channel saying "The Braves have become the first major league team to have its very own digital-cable television channel." Wake up douchebags! It is channel 755...cool eh? I wonder what they will name it after steroid mongloid Barry Bonds finishes his shattering of all that is sacred in baseball.

Mayor Bloomberg is just the same as us afterall.

Cynthia Nixon, from Sex in the City, is a lesbian afterall...am I the only one who could tell just by looking at her?

Star & Buc Wild are closer to being back in New York! Yeah! Opie and Anthony are back soon and now Star & Buc...those two shows made radio worth listening to in the mornings and afternoons....Star and Buc are the ghetto version of Howard Stern, but on steroids...they are just brutal. I used to love the train ride from queens to work in the mornings because I could listen to them on the 7 train and on the platform at Queens Plaza while waiting to connect to the N train...yess!!! If only Power 105.1 broadcasted on the internet....then I would be set. Maybe WUSL in Philly or WPHH in Hartford do. I will see. Ed Lover and Dr. Dre suck ass!!! Get them off and destroy Hot 97 in the ratings....why do tons of hip hop radio stations in America now have "Power" in their names?? Ponderous. WPHH used to be a kick ass rock station, Radio 104, with a kick ass festiva "Radio 104Fest"l at the end of every summer. Fuckers took away the best rock station in the land...

Wow, if I lived in NY I would have a hard time choosing who to listen to in the mornings between Opie and Anthony on Satellite Radio or Star & Buc...I would have a real problem on my hands hehe...

If anyone knows of a way to get either of these guys on an internet simulcast please let me know...email my ass!!!


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