
24, ALCS, the Net...

I never got to see that show 24 while it was on in America. I borrowed the first season dvd's from a friend and all I can say is HOLY SHIT! What a great show. The best show I have ever seen. The ending almost made me cry.

As I sit here typing this I am listening to the Red Sox and Yanks being introduced and how appropriate that while the Sox were announced they played the "Evil Empire" song from "Star Wars." Funny shit. Hey Red Sox...Who's Your Daddy??

While the Yanks are currently being introduced they are playing "Zombie Nation" for the coaches, when they introduced Don Mattingly as the hitting coach he got a standing ovation louder than Derek Jeter's. For the players they played the theme song from "Star Wars" for the good guys. Mariano Rivera was announced as en-route.

The net is the greatest thing ever invented. It has brought me both the radio broadcasts of Opie and Anthony, the entire FOX TV telecast, and the WCBS radio broadcast of the postseason. I missed John Sterling's billowing voice.

GO YANKEES!!!!!!!!!


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