
What a day, Another SportsCenter Gem, 4 1/2 Games!

Yesterday, for me, sucked. All I did was watch TV and do laundry. Fun, fun. For Miho it was a bit more interesting though. She was at a meeting with her company at Goldman Sachs Roppongi Hills offices when her entire leg fell asleep after being crossed for too long. So what does she do when asked to get up and hand out forms? She tries to pretend it's ok and when she puts weight on it the leg gives out and she crumples to the ground in a heap. Then, with everyone staring at her, she tries again. This time she goes flailing into the wall. When she told everyone her leg was asleep they all laughed at her.

Sports Center loves Jessica Simpson, atleast for material anyway. They were discussing how hard it has been for people to figure out the hill in centerfield at Houston's baseball stadium. It used to be called Enron Field, I forget the new name...Minute Maid Park perhaps? Anyway, they were discussing how even the Astros' own centerfielder, Craig Biggio, can't figure it out. Then came the H-Bomb..."That hill out in centerfield was a much better idea on paper than it is when put to practical use. It looks cool, but isn't very useful. Much like Jessica Simpson." NNNIICCCEEE!!!!!

4 1/2 Games! Thats's the Yanks lead over the Red Sox. They have won 17 of their last 20 games, after beating the Diamondbacks 4-2 last night.


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