
A Long Month

The past month has been a struggle..mentally, physically, and economically. It has been hard to wake up some days, hard to deal with the fact that Miho is really gone. That she isn't ever going to be there again when I wake up in the morning. I still miss her very much, inspite of all the mean things she has said about and done to me since I left Tokyo.

Mentally, I am shot. My job is very difficult. The lady who got me the job...the wife of my old high school English teacher...is one of the most difficult people I have ever had to deal with. If I ever disagree with her she takes it as me arguing with her. She cuts me off, jumps down my throat, and accuses me of things I don't do. One of the being lying. I never lie...not at work atleast. if you lie in the financial industry it always eventually caught...see under Bernie Ebbers, Dennis Kozlowski, etc. I will get more into that at a later date.

Physically I am dead. I wake up everyday at 5:30 am to get to work by 8 am. It takes me an hour and a half to get there. I moved to the city to be close to work, not to commute back into the country. Shou ganai deshou?

Financially I am tapped. I make good money, but not nearly enough. I want to start paying off debts but I just don't have the resources. It sucks. i have friends making more than me, paying less rent living in Manhattan, not having to spend over $300/month on transportation, etc. It sucks. I just got to deal with it I guess.

The only bright spot in this whole thing has been Susan, my new girlfriend. Yes, she is Asian hahaha, she is ABC (ask your Chinese friends what it means if you don't know), first gen American. She is great. Also, my friend Natalie has been great too. She has been there for me inspite of the problems with her now ex boyfriend (2nd time she left him), I in turn have been there for her. She's also great.

I saw Kung Fu Hustle twice e the past week. First with Natalie, 2nd with Susan. Susan deadpanned the whole thing before she saw it, then she walked out in awe. Great movie. I can't wait to see Night Watch...it comes out July 29th.

I have a whole lot more to expand on from the last month. Including Susan, work, my family, the charities I am now working with, etc. I am going to start updating this thing a lot more often. I have neglected it lately.

One more thing...I QUIT SMOKING!!!!!!!!!!! A month and a half since my last smoke. I have no desire whatsoever to smoke. I feel so healthy since I quit. It's great.